Friday, February 20, 2009

Final Intensive 4 Presentation Notes & Comments

The following are handwritten notes from the 4th Semester Intensive on January 17, 2009.

I had several constructive comments from the panel of critics (below). They were written by my Thesis Instructor, Kevin Losso. The letters preceeding the comments designate the critics making the comment or asking the question:
M: - Michael
A: - Aristotle
G: - Gabe
The comments were very helpful and I have begun to address them. I have started developing a matrix to help guide decisions for the master plan and design decisions. I have also spoken with developers in the region to get information on the market for residential developments in St. Louis and to begin to identify a target audience for the residential units.
I have also began to research the neighborhoods surrounding the complex to determine how the redevelopment should assimilate into the urban context. I have identified mass transit routes for the neighborhood and planned greenspaces in the area.
Finally, I have gathered information about the USGBC's pilot rating system for neighborhood development.

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